Using Lead Widgets

Using Lead Widgets

The leads widget allows prospective leads to send an inquiry or request a trial class by submitting a leads form directly from your website.

The leads widget allows prospective leads to send an inquiry or request a trial class by submitting a leads form directly from your website. 

It is important to note the difference between the Leads widget and the Leads demo widget:

  • Leads widget: This is just an inquiry / contact us form where info will be captured under your pending lead status. 
  • Leads demo widget: This is used if you offer a free trial class - on sign-up the prospective lead would need to accept a waiver. This will then be captured under the request for a demo status under manage leads, thus mitigating the need to sign a waiver when they come in for their session.  

The gym personnel (location admin, admin and owner) will receive an email notification on submission of the widget form and this will trigger an automated response from your platform to the prospective lead.

The reason why these two are separated is so the automated response can be appropriate to the action. Also, so that you can apply different sales strategies to each type of inquiry.

To view and test your lead widgets before adding it to your website, select on the URL component of the iframe