Setting Up Packages to be Charged via ADHOC Payment Gateway (Paystack/ PayNow/ Stripe)
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  3. Setting Up Packages to be Charged via ADHOC Payment Gateway (Paystack/ PayNow/ Stripe)

Setting Up Packages to be Charged via ADHOC Payment Gateway (Paystack/ PayNow/ Stripe)

On the signup page (signup widget) package’s can either be set up to a debit order payment gateway or a credit card payment gateway such as Paystack, NetCash PayNow or Stripe, but not both.

On the signup page package’s can either be set up to a debit order payment gateway or a credit card payment gateway such as Paystack, NetCash PayNow or Stripe, but not both. 

When linked up with Paystack, PayNow or Stripe limited packages can be charged directly via once off credit card payments. 

By default, the system will process any package with a limited type to default to the adhoc payment gateway as opposed to direct debit order. This is because the nature of debit orders are that of a monthly recurring payment, where limited packages, such as drop-ins, punch cards and upfront memberships, are once off payments.

In the circumstance that you prefer to have certain packages to be paid immediately on online purchase and not via debit order or cash you would have to set your package type to Limited.