How do I track my Member Attendance?

How do I track my Member Attendance?

Here you will find an overview of your class attendance, member attendance and member non attendance. Use the information filters on each report to narrow down your search.

Reports > Attendance >

> Overview: The overview will provide information in a graphic representation of each respective booking status for the year.

> Class: Tracking class attendance patterns will provide information about the attendance for each specific class during a certain period. This is useful when analyzing the cost-to-benefit of a certain class time or perhaps to figure out trends across seasons. 

> Member: The member attendance report is used to monitor the booking status of an individual. In the event that a member has queried their attendance or credits, you can get a detailed insight into the booking status of a particular class or credit spediture.

> Member non attendance: Tracking non attendance of members is vital for member retention. Email communication can be sent directly from here for members who have not attended class over a certain time period. 

A quick view for checking a member’s attendance can also be done from the members card. 

Members > Manage > Click on the action button next to the members name > Manage Member 

Here you will have an overview of the session the member has booked for the current week, month or last attended session. To go to the full report click on the “view members attendance report”.